Operation/Aero Tutorial

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The areo tutorial attack serves as a method for new players within the Solaris Training Company to gain experience through battle to eventually declare for a faction. There are few rewards for tutorial matches and no risk as units that are lost in battle are not actually destroyed. The range on tutorials allows for any player to play another provided that the Solaris player initiates.

Force Description

Army Composition

Attacker Defender
BV Range 2000-4500 2000-4500
1Mek icon.png Meks Allowed Unlimited Unlimited
2Tank icon.png Vehicles Allowed Unlimited Unlimited
3Infantry icon.png Infantry Allowed Unlimited Unlimited
4Aero icon.png Aeros Allowed 2-10 2-10

Unit Restrictions

Attacker Defender
Max Unit BV Unlimited Unlimited
Max Tonnage Per Unit 100 100
Minimum Walking MP 0 0
Mimumum Jumping MP 0 0
Maxiumum Jumping MP Unlimited Unlimited

Operation Description

Valid Targets

  • Solaris VII


  • Random Deployment
  • Chance for Deep
  • Chance for one army center and one army edge

Combatant Requirements

Attacker Defender
Experience Range Unlimited 0-250
Rating Range Unlimited Unlimited
Attack Range (LY) 1000
Target Planet Hold % 0
Influence Cost 0


Winner Loser Attacker Defender
Base Land Exchange
Base C-Bill Payout 850 850
Base Influence Payout 20 20
Base Experience Payout 30 30
Reward Points Payout 2 1

Base values are further modified by win or loss, unit losses and other various modifiers.


Operation Type Operation Description
Training Tutorial Training mission used to gain the necessary experience to graduate from Solaris and join a campaign faction.
Skirmish Patrol A basic combat operation with no land exchange or units taken
Assault Conquer An attack used to take land.
Pillage Raid An attack used to raid a factory world to capture a unit.
Aero There are no Aero operations this cycle